Planning applications going to the committee
Planning applications going to the Planning and Regulatory Committee are listed in the table below (they are usually determined seven working days prior to the committee date). You can find further information on planning applications made to the Council on the:
You can also find details of the next planning meeting on the Council's planning and regulatory meeting page.
Date | Application number | Address | Description |
28 January |
07/24/0462/F |
99 Turners Hill
Cheshunt Hertfordshire
Demolition of existing public house (sui generis) and lowering of ground levels. Erection of part first part second and part third storey buildings to provide a mixed use development of a flexible commercial use (Class E) at ground floor level and 6 Flats (Residential Use Class C3) at 1st and 2nd floor levels with associated car parking cycle parking refuse storage and amenity |
07/24/0579/F |
Land adjacent 36 Garner Drive
EN10 6AS
Construction of a detached dwelling with amenity/garden space cycle storage and refuse area | |
07/24/0632/F |
Land East of Brittania Road
Waltham Cross EN8 7PD
Demolition of existing buildings and the erection of commercial building (use classes E(g)(ii) E(g)(iii) B2 and B8 applied flexibly) with associated access parking landscaping and ancillary development | |
07/24/0672/F |
Land to the North of College Road & Whit Hern Court
Erection of 4 residential blocks comprising 36 No. two bed units associated vehicular access and parking and shared amenity space (resubmission of 07/21/0668/F) |