What you can say at a planning committee meeting
You should prepare what you want to say in advance and ensure that it fits within the three-minute time limit (although you do not have to use the full three minutes). The planning agenda on the application is available a week in advance and this may help you to prepare your presentation.
You should base your argument on:
- planning grounds - for example, loss of light or privacy, or highway safety or parking issues due to a proposed development
- the proposal’s effect on the appearance of an area, or the impact on listed buildings and conservation areas nearby
- national and local policies and government guidance
The Council provides planning information, advice and guidance to help you.
Your argument cannot include:
- comments on the developer’s motives
- loss of view
- boundary and ownership disputes
- issues regarding private rights of way or covenants
You cannot make personal, slanderous or abusive statements. You should not interrupt another speaker or any committee debate.