Broxbourne Council retains five Green Flags in National Green Flag Awards 2024

Broxbourne Council is pleased to announce that five of the Borough's parks have retained their status as award-winning green spaces this year, by flying the Green Flag.

Barclay Park, Cedars Park, Cheshunt Park, Old Highway Recreation Ground and Top Field and Cozens Grove Local Nature Reserve have all been awarded the Green Flag by Keep Britain Tidy, the organisation that oversees the national Green Flag award programme, recognising the best parks and green spaces nationwide.

Having a Green Flag flying indicates to the public that an open space is well cared for, has excellent facilities and is preserved to the highest standards.

The parks and open spaces in the Borough provide a place to unwind, exercise and relax. Retaining these Green Flag Awards is testament to the hard work and dedication of the teams and volunteers that make the green spaces a place for everyone to enjoy.

Councillor Paul Seeby, Broxbourne Council Cabinet Member for the Environment said:

I am delighted that Broxbourne has retained these Green Flag Awards. I’d like to thank all those that work within the Borough’s parks, particularly the huge numbers of volunteers, working in all weathers to make our parks and open spaces somewhere to be proud of.

Further information on the green spaces within Broxbourne is available on the Council's website

Published: 16th July 2024