Local Government Reform
Statement in response to the Government's letter on Local Government Reform
Council marked this year's Holocaust Memorial Day with participation from local schools and dignitaries
Holocaust Memorial Day was observed on Monday 27 January at the Spotlight and Lowewood Museum Gardens in Hoddesdon.
Make your property a home with the Simple Lets Scheme
The Simple Lets Scheme simplifies the property letting process, making it more streamlined, effective and efficient for landlords.
Solar Together launches in Hertfordshire offering residents affordable renewable energy sources
Broxbourne residents are coming together to invest in renewable energy sources through a group-buying scheme for solar panels and battery storage.
Have your say on the shared Vision for North East and Central Hertfordshire
Broxbourne Council is working together with North East and Central Hertfordshire district and borough councils to plan for the longer-term sustainable growth across these areas.
Ten councils in Hertfordshire release update on local government reform
The Government's English Devolution White Paper
Statement on behalf of the Leader of the Council on the Government’s English Devolution White Paper
Nominations for the Borough of Broxbourne awards now open
Broxbourne Council is delighted to announce that nominations for the Borough of Broxbourne awards 2025 are now open.
Annual Mayoral Debate for Secondary Schools
The annual Mayoral Debate for Secondary Schools was held on Wednesday 20 November. Teams from five of the Borough’s secondary schools participated.
Statement on press reports of devolution and local government reorganisation
Following the Chancellor’s statement last month, speculation about devolving powers from Westminster and possible local government reorganisation has emerged.