New Leader, Mayor and Cabinet Members announced at Council Meeting

At the annual Council meeting held on Tuesday 14 May 2024, Councillor Mark Mills-Bishop was elected as new Leader of Broxbourne Borough Council, and Councillor Steve Wortley as Deputy Leader.

At the meeting, and in one of his first formal duties as Leader, Councillor Mills-Bishop appointed six new Cabinet members and their deputies.

Councillor Alexander Curtis has been appointed the Cabinet Member for Finance and Economic Development, Councillor Corina Gander is the Cabinet Member for Community and Housing, Councillor Andreas Payne is the Cabinet Member for Planning and Place Making, Councillor Paul Seeby has been appointed as Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Dee Hart is the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Health, and Councillor Steve Wortley, who is also the Deputy Leader of the Council, has been appointed as Cabinet Member for Growth and Regeneration.

In addition to the Cabinet changes, Councillor Paul Mason stepped into a new role as Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee, whilst Councillor Pierce Connolly has been appointed as Chairman of the Planning and Regulatory Committee.  Councillor Tony Siracusa is the new Chairman of the Audit and Standards Committee.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Mark Mills-Bishop, said:

I am delighted to have been elected as Leader of the Council. I look forward to working with officers, my fellow councillors and partners to take forward our commitment to help deliver better lives and opportunities for everyone in Broxbourne.

Councillor Sherrie McDaid was elected as the new Mayor of Broxbourne and Councillor Patsy Spears has become Deputy Mayor.

The Mayor’s charities for 2024/25 are Young Carers in Herts who provide information and support to unpaid carers, and Strength in Mind Therapeutic Services CIC, a registered not-for-profit organisation offering direct support, counselling, psychotherapy, coaching and mindfulness to children, young people and adults.

Further information about the Council and its members can be found at

Published: 15th May 2024