Ticket offices saved from closure

The Government has announced that, following extensive public opposition, it has instructed rail companies not to pursue the closure of rail ticket offices in England.

The public consultation saw more than 750,000 responses opposing the closure. Broxbourne Council strongly opposed the closure of rail ticket offices in in the Borough, many of which are busy commuter hubs serving thousands of residents each day.

Lewis Cocking, leader of Broxbourne Council said:

When the proposals were announced I wrote to Transport Focus setting out the problems that would arise by the closure of the ticket offices in Broxbourne. I am delighted that the closures will now not go ahead.

This is fantastic news for the residents of the Borough, particularly those that are disabled or vulnerable.

Ticket machines simply cannot replace the guidance that is offered by a member of staff to those purchasing tickets for all journeys, particularly those that are complex.

The Council thanks residents and businesses who put forward their own objections to the proposals.

Published: 8th November 2023