Time running out to nominate your community’s heroes

There are just five days left to nominate your local community champions for this year’s Borough of Broxbourne Awards.

The BoB Awards, first launched in 2020, celebrate the community’s unsung heroes. Individuals and groups can be nominated, but the public only has until midnight on 31 January 2022 to put forward those they think deserve recognition.

The 2022 awards will once again celebrate people who make a difference within the Borough, but this year there will be a particular focus on people and community groups who have gone above and beyond the call of duty during the pandemic.

Councillor David Taylor, the Mayor of Broxbourne, said:

“These awards were first launched to highlight the incredible work done by the individuals and local groups that make our Borough a better place to live. Little did we know the challenges we would have to face over the coming two years.

“Since the pandemic began in March 2020, people have really stood up and been counted. While the 2022 BOB Awards will still celebrate a range of people who have an incredible impact in our community, there will be a special focus on those who have stepped up during the pandemic.”

To nominate an outstanding individual or group for the Borough of Broxbourne Awards, go to www.broxbourne.gov.uk/BOBawards.

Published: 26th January 2022