I would like to invite the Mayor to an event

Things you need to know when the Mayor attends an event

On arrival

There should be a reserved parking space for the Mayor​ and someone to greet the Mayor on arrival. When the Mayor’s party arrives, the party should be introduced to the host. The host should accompany the Mayor throughout the visit.

Addressing the Mayor

The Mayor will attend your event as the First Citizen of the Borough and not as a representative of the Council. The Mayor should addressed as either:

  • Mr Mayor
  • Madam Mayor

The husband of the Mayor (where applicable) should be addressed as Mayor's Consort. The Deputy Mayor should be addressed as either:

  • Mr Deputy Mayor
  • Madam Deputy Mayor

The Mayor or Deputy Mayor's escort should simply be referred to by their name.


If you have formal seating arrangements, the Mayor should sit on the immediate right of the host or chairperson. However, if a member of the Royal Family or the Queen's Representative is present, they will have precedence over the Mayor.

If the Mayor is attending a church service, the Mayor (and the Mayor’s party) should be taken to the front pew on the right-hand side (facing the front of the Church) of the centre aisle. However, if it is a Funeral service the Mayor should take the front pew on the left-hand side to allow family mourners to sit on the right.


If you would like the Mayor to speak at your event you must let the Council know beforehand.

Dietary requirements

The Mayor and Mayor's Consort are pescatarian, and require a dairy-free milk alternative.

Deputy Mayor

If the Deputy Mayor or a representative attends in the Mayor's place, the above protocols still apply.