Mental health support

Where to go for help

 If you need to access local crisis service for yourself or a loved one, call 111 and select mental health option. Your call will be directed to a trained mental health professional who will access your situation and determine whether you’re in need of a urgent referral.

111 is for all ages children and young people, and those with neurodevelopmental needs.  Those who are deaf or have hearing loss can access NHS 111 online

For urgent help or if you need to speak to someone:

What is mental health?

According to the World Health Organization mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well, work well, and contribute to their community.

Good mental health is vital for a person to live a meaningful life. Therefore, it is encouraged that all everyone pay attention to their mental health in order to discover any unordinary changes that may occur. Poor mental health could have an impact on how you feel, think and react this could make life difficut for those who are impacted. 

Eveyone can experience poor mental, however some people do have a mental health disorder. For someone to be diagnosed with a Mental health disorder the individual would be diagnosed by a health care professional from the Community Mental Health Team. 

When may you need mental health support

You or a loved one might want to seek mental health support if you are;

  • worrying more than usual
  • finding it hard to enjoy your life
  • having thoughts and feelings that are difficult to cope with, which have an impact on your day-to-day life
  • interested to find more support or treatment.
  • Using drugs or alcohol to cope with poor mental health. 

If you or a loved one are abusing drugs or alcohol to cope with poor mental health, and would like help to either reduce or stop usage, visit the substance misuse support page for more information. 

How to support someone who may be struggling?

If you are worried about someone you know who may be struggling with their mental health, watch this video with five ways to support your loved one.

Five ways to help someone struggling with their mental health