Help with domestic abuse

Safe spaces and places of refuge

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If you are feeling unsafe in your accommodation, you could apply for a court injunction.

If you want to move from your accommodation, you could contact your landlord to start the process. Whether your landlord is a housing association or another council, you could apply for an exchange or transfer on the grounds of domestic abuse.

During this time, you may have to move into a refuge while the move takes place.

A refuge is a temporary house for survivors of domestic abuse and their children. Refuges also offer additional support such as;

  • Safety planning
  • Finding a safe new home
  • Budgeting, debt discussions and discussing access to welfare benefits
  • Accessing health services
  • Finding nurseries and schools
  • Accessing local community and cultural services
  • Support to access civil and criminal remedies and legal advice
  • Training, education and employment

Staff provide survivors with emotional support and are well trained to understand what victims has been through. They will not judge you nor tell you what to do, as your decision is yours to make. 

If you are interested in contacting a refuge for more information you could contact:

Service Contact details

UK Says No More

Safe Spaces Locations


Ask for ANI (Action Needed Immediately) at these locations for immediate support

Refuge National Domestic abuse helpline:

Provide Women Only Refuge Support

Open 24/7 on 0808 2000 247

Live Chat open Monday-Friday 3pm-10pm

Safer Places

Available to make a referral for yourself or on the behalf of someone

Open 24/7 on 03301 025 811, or email

Survivors Against Domestic abuse (SADA)

Available to make a referral for yourself or on the behalf of someone

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, on 01438242666, or email