Request parking restrictions

Request a Residents' Parking Area (RPA)

A Residents’ Parking Area (RPA) is an area designated for resident parking. Residents can obtain a parking permit which allows them to park their vehicle within that area. Any vehicle parked without a valid permit can be issued a Penalty Charge Notice.

An RPA must be self-financing, meaning that the implementation and running costs must pay for themselves. It is expected that any scheme should pay for itself within a period of three years. Therefore, permits must be purchased at a cost set at the time of consultation with residents, which will increase annually. Anyone making a request for an RPA should be aware that:

  • proposals need to be supported by at least 25% of the households living in the area being proposed for an RPA
  • there will be an annual charge per permit, typically £50-100 each to cover the cost of administration
  • the charge will rise annually in line with inflation or an appropriate index
  • designation of an RPA does not guarantee anybody a parking space
  • single roads will not be considered
  • private roads will not be considered

Depending on the nature of the scheme, there may be a limit to the number of permits available per household. This will be determined following the initial informal consultation with residents.

Applications for an RPA go through a rigorous test and consultation process. You can see the full details of the steps required before an RPA can be approved on the next page.

If you have a proposal which meets all of the criteria above, you can fill out the form below. If you fail to meet any of the criteria, your application will be rejected.

Request a Residents' Parking Area