Information for Disabled Badge Users

Using a Blue Badge in Broxbourne

In order to rely on the concessions that the Blue Badge provides, badge holders must ensure that a valid Blue Badge is fully and correctly displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle, with the expiry date, serial number and issuing Council clearly visible. If you are using your clock this must be set at the time of arrival.

Providing the badge is clearly on display, as detailed above, Blue Badge holders are permitted to park:

  • On single and double yellow lines for up to three hours (you must set and display your parking clock to the time of arrival)
  • In on-street pay and display bays, without payment, for as long as necessary
  • In the Council’s pay and display car parks, without payment, for as long as necessary 
  • In limited waiting bays without a time limit

Blue Badge holders are not permitted to park:

  • In locations where a loading ban is active (indicated by yellow marks on the kerbside) or in loading bays
  • Across dropped kerbs
  • Across pedestrian crossing points
  • Across residential driveways
  • In a suspended bay (i.e. temporarily out of use.)
  • In bus stops
  • In taxi ranks
  • On clearways or any areas marked with zig-zag lines
  • In any area or bay reserved or marked for specific users  i.e. loading and unloading, permit holders and taxis
  • On a pavement, unless signs permit it

A Penalty Charge Notice may be issued if vehicles are parked in one of the above locations, or if the badge is not displayed correctly.

Please remember:

  • The Badge may not be used if the named badge holder does not leave the car
  • The Badge cannot be used by a person carrying out an errand on behalf of a badge holder
  • To check all signs before leaving your vehicle
  • It is the holder’s responsibility to renew the badge when necessary - your badge will not provide you with concessions to parking restrictions if it has expired
  • Never assume that you can park anywhere, and always be aware of safety for other road users.
  • Please read carefully the instructions that were issued to you when you were given your badge. Your badge does not give you the right to cause danger or an obstruction to other road users
  • The maximum penalty for misuse of a badge is £1,000
  • Civil Enforcement Officers have the right to inspect Blue Badges
  • Ensure that you check the policy relating to the use of your Blue Badge in other Boroughs as they can vary widely from Council to Council.

For full details of the Blue Badge scheme please refer to the Blue Badge Leaflet produced by the Department For Transport or download it from