Alcohol and entertainment licences

Premises Licence applications and variations received

Licensing Act 2003

Listed below are details of the premises which have applied for a premises licence or to vary their existing licence(s) this year, together with a summary of the extended consent(s) sought. The register of licensing applications can be inspected between normal office hours Monday to Friday at the Borough Offices, Bishops’ College, Churchgate, Cheshunt, EN8 9XQ. It is an offence on summary conviction for an applicant to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with any application under the Licensing Act 2003, the maximum fine for which is £5,000.

Address Application for New Premises Licence or Summary of Licence Variation Sought Date by which written public
representations must be made to the Council

The Live Cafe,
45 High Street,
EN11 8TA

Cafe/event space/private hire
The premises is proposed to be used as a café ordinarily, the space will also be used for theme nights and private hire for birthdays etc.
The applicant will always retain control of the premises, and the venue shall not be hired out for any promoted events.


ADC Hoddesdon Ltd,
55a High Street,
EN11 8TQ

Application for a new premises licence
The sale and supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises on the days:
Monday to Sunday between 09:00 hours and 23:00 hours each day.


25 The Pavilion,
Waltham Cross,

To add conditions to the licence:

1. A digital closed circuit television (CCTV) to be installed internally, ensuring the following:
a. All entry and exit points must be covered to enable frontal identification of every person entering the premises in any light condition;
b. The CCTV system shall continually record whilst the premises is open for licensable activities and during times when customers remain on the premises;
c. All recordings shall be stored for a minimum of period of 31 days with date and time stamping. Recordings shall be made available immediately upon the request of Police or authorised officers throughout the preceding 31 day period;
d. A staff member from the premises who is knowledgeable with the operation of the CCTV system shall be on the premises at all times when the premises are open to the public and this staff member must be able to show and supply if requested a Police or authorised office recent data or footage with the absolute minimum of delay when requested.
e. Any faults with the CCTV system must be recorded in writing and must be rectified without delay.

2. The age verification policy operated at the premises shall be "Challenge 25". This means that whilst alcohol may be sold to persons aged 18 years or over, any person who appears under 25 years of age shall be required to provide proof of age using an acceptable form of ID. The only forms of ID that may be accepted shall be:-
a. Proof of age card bearing the PASS hologram logo
b. Passport; or
c. UK photo driving licence.

3. Notices advertising that the premises operate a "Challenge 25" scheme shall be displayed in a clear and prominent position at the premises entrance, the areas where alcohol is on display and at the till area, as well as on the website, promotional literature and flyers.

4. The Premise Licence Holder / Designated Premises Supervisor will ensure that signs are displayed at prominent locations in the premise, highlighting that sales of alcohol will not be made to persons purchasing alcohol on behalf of persons less than 18 years of age.

5. The Premises Licence Holder or Designated Premises Supervisor to ensure that all management and staff are fully trained and briefed on the four licensing objectives, Challenge 25, the conditions on this licence, policies referred to in this licence and awareness of vulnerability and duty of care. Every 6 (six) months these staff are to be given refresher training and this is to be documented in such a way that it can be given to an authorised officer on request. Staff should also sign documentation confirming the training has taken place and the date.

6. An incident book shall be maintained to record any activity related to drugs or of a violent, criminal or serious anti-social nature and be available for inspection at all times (when the premises is open) by an authorised officer of relevant responsible authority, it should record the following details:-
a. Time and date and nature of the incident,
b. People involved
c. Action taken.
d. Details of the person responsible for the management of the premises at the time of the incident.

7. A written record of all refused sales shall be kept on the premises. It must include details of the member of staff who refused service, time and date it occurred and the reason for refusal. The record shall be made available to Police and/or local authority immediately upon request and shall be kept for a least one year from the date of last entry.

8. All spirits are to be displayed behind the counter or in an area of the premise where people cannot help themselves.

9. No alcohol is to be displayed within 3 metres of any customer entrance / exit, other than in a locked cabinet.

10. To sell a maximum of five different types of super strength beer, lager or cider, the ABV (alcohol by volume) content being higher than 6.5%.

11. Not to promote or display any Class A, B or C drug paraphernalia in view of the public highway. Awaiting reps Need to be submitted by the 15 January 2025 All enquiries to; V/Prem Lic/New Applic/ 2025 3

12. Customers shall not be permitted to remove from the premise, any open bottle for consumption or disposal outside the premise.

13. A4 size white notices in size 50 black Arial stating “Please respect our neighbours and leave the area quietly” need to be displayed at all entry / exit points.

14. The Premise Licence Holder and Designated Premises Supervisor to ensure that groups of people will not be allowed to gather / loiter outside the premise
