Call before you serve is a free of charge advice and mediation service for landlords and their agents who are looking for help maintaining a tenancy.
The Council has introduced this service to help landlords have successful private rented tenancies and provide support to any private sector landlord thinking of asking a tenant to leave.
The purpose of this service is to give landlords and their agents with all the help and assistance they require to prevent a Section 21 or Section 8 notice being issued, which can be costly and time consuming.
Contact us now for help with:
- Rent arrears
- Mediation between you and your tenant
- Communication issues you are having with your tenant
- Help and advice to find tenants for any vacant properties you may have
- Advice about benefits or making a claim if this applies to your tenant
To find out more information or to contact the team, please call 01992 785529 or email at