Apply to carry out work on a protected tree
Permission needs to be granted before works to a tree with a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or within a conservation area can be undertaken. This applies to pruning overhanging branches from a neighbouring property.
You can use this interactive map to see if the tree is covered by a TPO or is within a conservation area. To use the map, first select ‘Tree Preservation Orders’ and then click highlighted areas to identify if a tree is protected by TPO. Further guidance on using the map is found in the map disclaimer and instructions.
Application process
As part of the application process, you need to:
- provide a sketch plan showing the location of all trees and relevant site features
- provide a specification of the works to be carried out
- for trees in conservation areas, you may need to include photographs or provide information of any previous work carried out
- for trees protected by a TPO, you will need to give reasons for the proposed work – this will be a report by an arboriculturist (tree specialist) if it relates to the health and safety of the tree or a structural engineer for subsidence issues
For more help with applying, please refer to the guidance notes.
To apply, you will need to use the Council’s Planning Portal. Enter your details and select ‘tree works’ at Step 2: Application Type.
The Council will assess your application and a decision will be issued within:
- six weeks for trees within conservation areas
- eight weeks for TPO applications
Planting of suitable replacement trees will normally be required when consent is given to remove protected trees.
All applications for tree works can be viewed on the Council's planning register.
Apply to carry out work on a protected tree
What to do in an emergency
If a tree in a protected area has been damaged due to adverse weather, it is recommended that you notify the Council as soon as possible. If the work needs to be carried out immediately for safety reasons, take photos of any works done. You should be prepared to prove that the work was required due to an emergency.
Normally you need to give the Council five working days’ written notice of proposed work on dead trees.