Council Tax bandings (2025/2026)

Each domestic dwelling is placed in a valuation band (A-H). The Band of your property is the assumed market value on 1 April 1991 and is determined by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA), an executive agency of HM Revenue and Customs.

You can check the valuation band of any property by visiting the VOA.

The VOA also places new properties in a Council Tax band and changes bands for properties when necessary. You can also see how domestic properties are assessed for Council Tax bands.

Open market value on 1 April 1991

Valuation band Open market value on 1 April 1991
A Not more than £40,000
B £40,001 to £52,000
C £52,001 to £68,000
D £68,001 to £88,000
E £88,001 to £120,000
F £120,001 to £160,000
G £160,001 to £320,000
H More than £320,000

Borough of Broxbourne bandings (2025/2026)

Valuation band Value of Property Broxbourne Council HCC PCC Total
A Up to £40,000 £108.83 £1,179.91 £176.67 £1,465.41
B £40,001 - £52,000 £126.96 £1,376.56 £206.11 £1,709.63
C £52,001 - £68,000   £145.10 £1,573.22 £235.56 £1,953.88
D £68,001- £88,000 £163.24 £1,769.87 £265.00 £2,198.11
E £88,001 - £120,000 £199.52 £2,163.18 £323.89 £2,686.59
F £120,001 - £160,000 £235.79 £2,556.48 £382.78 £3,175.05
G £160,001 - £320,000 £272.07 £2,949.78 £441.67 £3,663.52
H Over £320,000 £326.48 £3,539.74 £530.00 £4,396.22
  • HCC = Hertfordshire County Council
  • PCC = Police Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire

You can download the following PDF documents for more information on the banding: