Single person discount
If you are the only person aged 18 or over living in your property, you are eligible for a 25% discount off your Council Tax bill. To qualify you must provide the date you became the only adult living in the property. You will also be asked to provide a forwarding address if anyone has recently moved out of the property
Apply for or amend a single person discount
Disabled band reduction
You may be entitled to a reduction in your Council Tax if your home has been adapted to accommodate your disability. If your home is eligible, your bill will be reduced by one Council Tax band. To qualify you must:
- live in the property (as your main residence)
- have a disability that is substantial and permanent
- have an additional bathroom, toilet or kitchen to meet your specific needs
- have an additional room (other than a bathroom, toilet or kitchen) to meet your specific needs or have enough space for the use of a wheelchair (solely for outdoor use will not be accepted)
Apply for a disabled band reduction
Unoccupied and unfurnished properties
A discount of 100% of your Council Tax is offered for one month, starting from the date your property first became empty and unfurnished. An inspection may be required. There are no restrictions on how many times you can apply for this discount, providing the property has been re-occupied for at least six weeks between each application.
For properties which have been empty and unfurnished for over two years, a charge of 200% will apply.
If a family member occupies a separate building that forms part of your property, a 50% discount is available.