Safeguarding policies and referrals
Child Protection Policy Statement
Broxbourne Council has a duty of care to safeguard all children and young people and protect them from harm and abuse when they are engaged in activities, events or services provided or organised by, or on behalf of, the Council. All children and young people have a right to protection and the Council will endeavour to keep them safe from harm and abuse, through adherence to the guidelines set out in the Council’s Child Protection Policy.
The Council will respond promptly and appropriately to any suspicion of abuse or neglect. It will act in the best interests of the child or young person at all times.
The Council will proactively seek to promote the welfare and protection of all children and young people living in the Borough at all times.
The Council is an extended partner of the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) and has accepted the legal responsibility to inform Hertfordshire County Council of any concerns about a child’s wellbeing. The Council’s Child Safeguarding Policy has been developed in line with the HSCP Countywide safeguarding procedures manual.
The Council’s policies on safeguarding are:
Other services of support and information:
If you prefer, you can raise your concerns with the following organisations:
Children and Young People
- Hertfordshire County Council Children’s Services
- Families First - Hertfordshire services that work together to support families who need extra help
Adults at Risk
Modern Slavery