Local financial advice services
Sometimes people may lose a lot of money gambling or trying to recoup the money they lost. This could have a drastic impact on your finances and for some lead to immense debt.
If you or someone you know has been affected by debt, contact these local services for support.
Financial advice support services | Types of services offered | Contact details |
The Money Advice Team could signpost you to a range of trusted services for any concerns on care costs and benefits. If you’d like someone to talk to about your finances, they are also here to listen. |
Visit the website to access a directory of financial services.
Citizen Advice provide free, confidential and impartial debt advice and campaign on big issues affecting people's lives. |
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm Phone: 0800 144 8848 |
Contact HertsHelp have trained advisors here to offer you free, confidential assistance. They can put you in touch with relevant financial advice services and local support. |
Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am-5pm Wednesday, 9am-7pm Saturday and Sunday, 10am-4pm. Phone: 0300 123 4044 Text: hertshelp to 60060 Email: info@hertshelp.net |
NHS East of England Gambling Service |
Whether you are affected by your own gambling or someone else's, you are welcome to come and talk to us. NHS East of England Gambling Service will offer support to individuals and families experiencing the negative impact of gambling. |
Phone: 01908 724287 Email: cnwl.eofegambling@nhs.net |
If you are worried about your finances and its affecting your mental health or you are using drugs or alcohol to cope. Visit our mental health support or substance misuse page for further help to resolve this.